Case Studies

Predict Procurement Lead Time To Manage Disruptions​

Predict Procurement Lead Time To Manage Disruptions​

Customer sources raw materials from various vendors worldwide. Over the past few years, they have encountered numerous challenges, including plant shutdowns, transportation delays, capacity shortages, demand spikes, geopolitical conflicts, pandemic-related disruptions, and other unforeseen circumstances.

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Streamlining Emissions Accountability with UCBOS

Streamlining Emissions Accountability with UCBOS

The tracking of greenhouse gas emissions has become an increasingly important aspect of supply chain management. Environmental regulations that require companies to report their emissions has led to the need for an unintrusive way to track operational output of greenhouse gases. Unfortunately, most transportation and carrier management systems offer all in one option whereas it is not realistic to have single vendor for all business units or companies.

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Endless Supply Chain Visibility through Composable Assets 

Endless Supply Chain Visibility through Composable Assets 

A leading Production and Processing Company, one of the top producers, manufacturers, and distributors of consumer products, is streamlining the end-to-end supply chain for food safety regulations. Customer procures raw materials, manufactures finished goods, and distributes to end customers through stores and eCommerce portals.

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Fulfillment Excellence through Supply Chain Clarity  

Fulfillment Excellence through Supply Chain Clarity  

The client is a fulfillment specialist for many major bath and plumbing product retailers, distributors, and eCommerce companies. Differentiated by service and stock, they are dedicated to building strong partnerships with their customers. Has multiple directly owned and third-party operated warehouses.

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Enterprise Asset Automation Delivers Business Agility

Enterprise Asset Automation Delivers Business Agility

The customer is part of hospitality industry and growing the business with collection of distinguished properties around the world. They own on a total area of 6,500 m², and a gross built up area of 10,000 m² with an estimated annual production capacity of 2000 hotel room. Very much committed to provide the best experience to their guests during their stay.

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1675, Terrell Mill Road, Suite 300,

Marietta, GA 30067, United States



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