Intelligent Automation

Platform in Action
Mitigate Business Risks

Operational Efficiency

Reliable Customer Experience

Business Agility

Apply Interoperability, Business Intelligence, and Automation

Mitigate Business Risks   

The Supply Chain is full of packaged modules to perform discrete tasks. It lacks the elevated view to mitigating the supply chain risks.  In Contrast, UCBOS creates the cockpit view that is a business outcome-driven viewpoint by keeping supply chain visibility, interoperability, and orchestrations as driving themes. UCBOS platform offers two-fold motivation, composing solutions impeding customer delivery reliability, partner onboarding, visibility & performance, production excellence, and mitigating supply chain performance. Another focus area is to augment custom solutions to tackle customer experience, and new product or market penetration, which is not conceivable in off-the-shelf products.

Operational Efficiency

Reliable Customer Experience

Business Agility

Semantics-Driven Data Agility

Semantics-Driven Data Agility

The constant state of disruption unveiled that the current business ecosystem is architected for foreseen outcomes.  It’s time for your data to make a jailbreak out of the silos and increase agility by bringing meaning to the data and making systems interoperate. A more agile unified data model augmented with automated semantics technology is critical for business agility.

Mitigate Supply Chain Disruptions to Keep Customer Promises

Expect the Unexpected to Be Ready

The number of external factors controls one’s supply chain performance. Be it geopolitics & wars, natural disasters, logistics failures, or labor shortages.

It affects demand(drops & surges), labor capacity, reduced productivity, and regulations.

Enterprises have tabletop exercises to mitigate internal supply chain exceptions, and it is equally important to plan for external sources. It starts with capturing the external supply chain drivers that control the internal supply chain performance in a composable platform where business leaders can review the impact assessment, cost analysis of each impact, and prepare plan B in case of true disruptions.

Are you ready to face a new supply chain disruption? 

We understand not all stress signals need a reaction. UCBOS platform enables you to assess the impact level by disruption types and configure compatible solutions – 10X Faster   

Customer Satisfaction

Financial Performance

Schema-free platform alleviates the rigidity – Define composable business schemas, and incorporate business restrictions into application protocols 

Mitigate Supply Chain Disruptions

Customer Satisfaction

Financial Performance

Self Learn


“What has happened? “

A platform that intuitively learns both historical and realtime data that is in structured and unstructured fashion within the value chain ecosystems and offers real insights on the business reality  


“What will happen?”  

A platform that feeds the resulting self-learning knowledge as input for procurement, planning, warehousing, transportation, order promising, optimization, sales, marketing, risk & security domains to define their business flows



“Which approach succeeds?” 

A platform that powers advanced analytics to combat inaccurate estimates, inefficient planning, unsatisfied customers, and waste, promoting customer experience, fueling innovation and expanding a new revenue stream   


“What actions should we take?”

A platform that empowers domain owners with self-learning intelligence and advanced analytics for data-driven decisions to achieve business growth and agility



“How to implement the final choice? 

A platform that seamlessly deploys the proven business model dynamically across the value chain ecosystems to achieve higher supply chain margins, better customer service, improved inventory accuracy and superior warehouse productivity in no-code way.  



1675, Terrell Mill Road, Suite 300,

Marietta, GA 30067, United States



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