Drive Customer Promise through Seamless Supplier Collaborations

Business Outcome

Customer Satisfaction

Financial Performance

Company Background

A leading American retail chain specializing in clothing and accessories committed to meeting customer promises at all costs.


The customer’s order management system is designed to allocate in-transit inventory that is not officially available on hand. However, customer commitments are not met when faced with disruptions like natural disasters or transportation delays, and things don’t go as per the scheduled plan. Such mishaps are becoming a new normal. Customer wants to proactively handle such signals by collaborating with supplier ecosystems, procuring goods, and meeting customer promise without breaking the bottom line.


UCBOS tracks the disruption signals that would impact customer business operations and invoke risk-averse plans.    

UCBOS tracks the POs status with items that are pre-allocated for customer orders. Then, by proactively monitoring the weather pattern for the supplier locations or processing the stress signals like missing transportation signals or stress signals from a supplier on potential delays, UCBOS triggers the backup options.   

UCBOS shortlists the pre-approved standby vendors and minimum vendor score. When the validation passes, then it checks the inventory availability, and vendor feasibility of fulfilling all items/units by a single vendor. Once verification is complete and a qualified vendor is identified, it orchestrates with procurement systems for PO placement and customer channels for revised delivery dates.


The Customer Reliability score got improvised.  

The Retailer took advantage of their supplier ecosystem efficiently to gain customer confidence. 

The Retailer adhered to corporate policies regarding qualified vendor assessment during exception time.   

 “To succeed in today’s hyper-growth eCommerce world, businesses must build integrated solutions leveraging ERP, fulfillment, and warehouse software – in weeks or months, not years or decades. UCBOS makes that a reality!”

Kimberly Reuters 

Ex-Amazon and Nordstrom eCommerce Leader


supply chain resiliency

Fortify Every Supply Chain Link for Business Resiliency

Recent business disruptions exposed inefficiencies in the supply chain, making retailers realize that old playbooks are not good enough and new rules must be written to sustain the new normal.

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