Gain Enterprise Global Inventory across Channels and Business Units Limitations  

Project Background 

Inventory Visibility across channels, business units, and locations (manufacturing facilities, distribution centers, fulfillment centers, stores, and 3rd party warehouses) is an integral part of enterprise supply chain management. Enterprises have multiple teams and applications, namely vendor relations, warehouse ops, order management, buying and merchandise teams, with different ways of representing the same inventory pieces.

The main aim of this project is to provide a unified platform for looking at inventory from an overall enterprise perspective, slice and dice inventory and visualize it in any form required by any subset team of an enterprise and perform various operations on this inventory by taking in all data from various integration layers involved in multiple systems for managing the enterprise inventory. 


  • The customer relies on multiple applications, including thirdparty SaaS solutions documents such as purchase orders, sales orders, transfer orders, work orders, and inbound & outbound shipments, with multiple integrations leading to inventory discrepancies  
  • The customer lacks an Orchestration platform that gives a global inventory picture (enterprise dashboard) across all in transit and four wall inventories for both finished and raw goods. 
  • Customers had an immense need for clarity on inventory positioning by buckets across channels in a unified location to orchestrate the alternative fulfillment plan(B) based on the supply chain signals


  • Unify all documents and transactions across various integrated systems (DEMAND PLANNING, PROCUREMENT, LOGISTICS, WAREHOUSE, ORDER MANAGEMENT, SUPPLIER, MANUFACTURER) across multiple systems and business units onto UCBOS. 
  • Map and build the inventory semantics by channel, positions/locations, vendor, lot#, serial #, country of origin inventory buckets, inventory type, fulfillment status, or any other critical information that inventory should be tracked by for the evolving business needs.
  • Enable users to visualize the inventory life cycle, mainstream allocation strategies, and model disruption-driven allocation strategies. 
  • Configure rules by disruption signals to trigger disruption time allocation strategies

     “The UCBOS augmentation delivers on the promise of accelerating speed to market while reducing the complexity and costs that are associated with the technology enablement of today’s complex supply chains!”

    Nick Costides

    Ex-President, UPS


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