Industry Perspectives

Discover what industry experts say about composability,no-code and more for today’s businesses.

Trending Stories

Is the Dynamic Unified Logical Data Model the Silver Bullet for Disruptions?

Enterprises that are transforming their supply chain are slow to change. What roadblocks are impeding their efforts?

Connected Systems Drive the Omnichannel Future

McKinsey & Company finds that only 15% of retailers have actually delivered on key areas like omnichannel personalization. What’s holding everyone back? Find out how connected systems drive the omnichannel future in this article. 

The Advantages Of No-Code Platform For Businesses

The presence of traditional programming has been here for ages. However, there is one field in programming that is revolutionizing the way we do business. The no-code application development, particularly used in machine learning, is helping to create and deploy applications fast.

Latest Articles

Agility, Data, and No-Code: Three Trends for the Future

Organizations that implement new technology with agility, data, and no-code will be able to amplify supply chain performance, alleviate risks, and predict outcomes today while laying the groundwork for the supply chain of the future.


More Industry Perspectives

Digital Innovator Award

UCBOS Wins the 2021 Digital Innovator Award from Intellyx

Intellyx, the industry analyst firm dedicated to digital transformation honours UCBOS joining the inaugural class of their 2021 Digital Innovator Award.

Composable enterprise

Legacy Apps Slowing You Down? Try a Composable Enterprise Business Platform

Either live with the profit-killing technical debt that legacy applications deliver, or cut those applications in order to implement all-new technology.

No-code platforms, podcast

A No-Code Platform for Today’s Supply Chains: Shan Muthuvelu & Steffanie Ness with UCBOS Inc

Check out the podcast and listen to the discussion on no-code with the team of Supply Chain Now.



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