Your Business - Your Platform

The UCBOS Platform is every enterprise customers’ business platform. UCBOS rapidly self-learns your end to end business systems, vendors, customers, data schemas, digital assets, APIs, internal and external business data with zero code. UCBOS comes with many built-in application modules and engines. In addition to that, enterprises can build their proprietary modules using our no-code application builders and intelligence embedded engines for any department or device in no time. UCBOS enables both business and IT to build with no-code, end to end what-if scenarios to predict, analyze and execute the process flows based on expected outcome. UCBOS is the only platform in the market now with full business role driven capabilities to enable any enterprise, agnostic of their industry, to achieve complete digital transformation to connect all systems, things and people with zero code and 100% metadata.


Ideal for Executives

Achieve digital business transformation to improve customer experience, sales volumes and meet shareholder expectations

Ideal for Business Operations

Model business ideas, enhance end to end visibility, predict outcomes and achieve end to end business optimization

Ideal for IT

Envision & execute on the technology roadmap and build composable enterprise assets in significantly less time and cost

Drive Business Agility 

Solve Board Room Hythothesis with UCBOS Platform

Hypothesize on Trend Analysis, profitability, cost management, efficiency, and productivity without a unified business platform is near impossible.  Post covid19, CXOs aspire to predict the alternate supplier model, total cost of ownership by channel, and cross-functional business unit performance for risk aversion.   UCBOS combines many key disparate sources to hypothesize varying strategies with insightful real-time information (Data+Context). Ultimately accessibility to your real-time information could reduce costs, increase productivity, and even add value all with one application.

Technology Driven Decisions are Priceless 

Scenario Planning with the UCBOS Platform

Digital Officers prefer to model what-if scenarios that are near-term or long-term to plan operations. UCBOS offers the dynamic preemptive modeling platform that invokes multiple source systems for values, triggers ML/AI engines (when needed), and email domain owners with plausible outcomes for future planning.

Empower 3PLs with the Decision Support Framework from the UCBOS Platform

Orchestrating loads between a multitude of transportation systems involves multiple integration hops and decision points that are both manual and systematic.  3PLs optimize transportation cost by Cost, Service levels, Order Attributes, and Customer SLAs. Identify optimal carrier (first-mile, mid-mile, and last-mile) including incoterms, and augment load planner with consolidated view improves the labor efficiency.  Orchestrate loads to appropriate transportation systems, customer experience channels as per load planner preference reduces the effort in cross-checking carrier availability, overall cost, and load creation steps in respective systems.


A Progressive organization spends 6% of revenue on technology

Augmenting IT and Business with the Composable Platform reduces 2/3 of your cost and brings your R&D roadmaps out in 3 times the speed!

Overcome Modernization  Challenges with the UCBOS Platform

Initiatives of type “Optimization“ have already proven in the market with satisfied tactical cost reduction and service-level improvements.

Initiatives of type “Transformational” (AI, machine learning to improve demand sensing and predictive analytics), allowing the supply chain to develop the advanced digital capabilities required to achieve future corporate goals. 

Digitilization yields the mix of short-term return combined with long-term benefits but it comes with the few interim risks until it is achieved.

Before UCBOS


Leverage Visibility for Optimization

Gain visibility into outsourced business functions and monitor KPIs from the UCBOS Platform

Outsourcing Business Functions is a smart move. Not having end to end visibility into extended business operations does not put anyone in a safe spot.  End to end visibility enables the opportunity to improve the bottom-line and reveal new business services.

Track and trace valuable assets within the digital value network from the UCBOS Platform

Losing money in Pallets? Track your pallet from vendors to warehouses to stores through UCBOS composable solution. Build accounting logic to charge-back damaged, missing pallets without development time.



Enterprises are investing in multimillion dollar IT programs to deliver business transformation initiatives that often involves systems such as Enterprise Resource Planning System, Master Data Management System, Supply Chain Planning and Operations SystemsCustomer Relationship Management Systems, Supplier Systems, Marketing and Sales Portals, MachinesSensors, and Social Economic Data points for data analysis, pattern prediction & prescription to make informed decision making process and orchestration. UCBOS’s No-Code Bespoke Application Builder empowers enterprises with a platform to streamline and achieve Endless Business Orchestration and Execution, Enterprise Visibility, Prediction and Prescription, Realtime Aligned Decision Making, End to End Supply Chain Convergence and machine learning projects.  


Business Understanding

Data Source Discovery

Data Wrangling



Model Validation

Data Acquisition

Governance and Security

Model Activation

Model Deployment


Application Integration

Production Audit Procedure

Model Behavior Tracking

KPI Validation

Value Realization – ROI Analysis


Model Refinement

Value Realization – ROI Analysis

KPI Validation

Value Realization – ROI Analysis


Model Refinement

Innovation leads to New Opportunities

Mitigate Supplier Fulfillment Challenges with the UCBOS Platform

Visibility into reverse logistics funnel is priceless.  Enable Supplier with the global inventory dashboard that captures 365 view of returns, retailers’ virtual store inventory, warehouse inventory, and store inventory. Empower supplier fulfillment decision with attributes such as client priority, peak season, inventory threshold, promotions and order volumes.

Fast Track Technology Innovation with the UCBOS Platform

Technology Consolidation boosts innovation and assists with speed to market expectations. Transitioning day-to-today operations from multi-decade applications to emerging technologies needs multi-year commitment. UCBOS architecture eases the migration, transition, and transformation through distinct architecture: No-Code Architecture, NoSQL Graph Database, Intelligent Integration Framework, AI & ML Embedded Framework, and Process Automation.


Outpace your Digitization Risks with a Unified Platform

Risk Aversion Moves

Predict Supply Chain Delays from Weather or Pandemic or Social-economic factors 

Drive business workflows by external factors that influence the sale, inventory, labor shortages, fuel surcharge, and customer mindset. Modeling a weather pattern to position emergency inventory, rerouting in-transit loads, placing purchase orders by prior sales volume leads to better business performance.  Establishing a unified business platform with a global dashboard to review critical information delivers the business agility.