Inventory Excellence through Smart Orchestration

Business Outcome

Operational Efficiency

Financial Performance

Competitive Advantage 

Company Background

The global leader in selling and distributing food and non-food products to restaurants, healthcare and educational facilities, lodging establishments and other customers around the world.


The Customer has 50+ Business Units, and each of them has its own inventory & fulfillment systems. The educational facilities place bulk orders to the customers’ specific business units and run into product shortages.

In fact, customers couldn’t fulfill 50% of the accepted orders across their business units.

All 50+ business units have their own allocation strategy driven by dedicated inventory & fulfillment systems and cannot interoperate with each other.


When faced with product shortages and allocation challenges, UCBOS smartly looks up other business units’ inventory and shares soft allocate signals to admissible business units’ fulfillment systems.

UCBOS binds with the corporate policies and procedures on which business units can share the inventory.

UCBOS interoperates with other systems and no room for ripping or replacing those legacy systems.


The fulfillment rate went up. Fulfilled 90% of the orders across the business units. The solution improved inventory optimization and SKU rationalization. This created opportunities for mass sourcing and network optimizations.

 “The UCBOS augmentation delivers on the promise of accelerating speed to market while reducing the complexity and costs that are associated with the technology enablement of today’s complex supply chains!”

Nick Costides

Ex-President, UPS


supply chain resiliency

Fortify Every Supply Chain Link for Business Resiliency

Recent business disruptions exposed inefficiencies in the supply chain, making retailers realize that old playbooks are not good enough and new rules must be written to sustain the new normal.

100% No-Code

Unlock new outcomes 10X Faster by extending your Legacy, ERP, and SCM! Don’t rip out anything!